Next Generation Agile Manufacturing to Enable “Point of Use” Customization for Complex Vehicles (PDF)
Next Generation Agile Manufacturing to Enable “Point of Use” Customization for Complex Vehicles
Next Generation Agile Manufacturing to Enable “Point of Use” Customization for Complex Vehicles
Interactive Virtual Hands-On Manufacturing
Just-in-Time Learning for the Factory Floor
3D Printing for Civil Infrastructure Construction
“Age of Smart Iron” …Driving the Increasing Need for Agility • Competitive battlefield is increasingly “outside the machine” • Machine is a platform • Globally responsive production capability – Product Availability is KING
Digital Volumetric Processing Using High Performance Computing
Mission Critical: The Manufacturing Skills Gap and Workforce Opportunities
A Study of Bicycle Frame Customization Through the Use of Additive Manufacturing Technology
Design for Additive Manufacturing: Multi Material Sand Mold
Liquid Metal 3D Printing: A Magnetohydrodynamic Approach